The Desire for Change

By Michelle Matthias


It is with sincerity and great appreciation that I say thank you to my readers and subscribers for taking the time to read and to so graciously share their comments and encouragement either publicly or privately.


Last week I focused on emotional ownership and awareness and this week I am taking a brief look at The Formula for Change with reference to The Beckhard-Harris Change Model. This formula works with organizational as well as individual change.


Probably like me, you have had a desire to make meaningful changes in some areas of your life but find that it’s easier said than done. Oftentimes these desired changes are not followed through to fruition. So the question is, why is this so? Why do I desire this change but fail to execute the necessary actions needed to accomplish it? What needs to happen for my actions to be congruent with my desire?


All these questions are undoubtedly and arguably influenced by a myriad of factors, but in this blog I want us to consider the Beckhard-Harris formula as one way to think about the change process.


Change is usually about growth and;

  • All growth requires a change
  • All change requires a growth mindset
  • Change can be uncomfortable for some; and
  • All meaningful change is a process


The Beckhard-Harris formula for change is:

D x V x FS > RC


D   represents dissatisfaction/desire

V   represents vision

FS   represents first steps

RC  represents resistance to change


This formula is saying that if there is strong dissatisfaction (D) with the current state (whatever the focus of change might be), it will serve as a driver and motivator for change; which when coupled with a clear vision (V) of a preferred future; will/should give the courage of taking the first steps (FS) towards that change and overcoming the resistance of change (RC). So essentially, the product of DxVxFS should be greater than (>) the current resistance to change (RC).


I do apologize if I have confused you with the formula but a simple biblical way of putting it is, “…so faith without work is dead” James 2:26. Change is not just in an idea/vision; change does not just happen because we are dissatisfied. Change happens because we act; we push; we persevere because we know that our current state is not our desired place.


I believe that oftentimes the resistance to change (RC) is linked to fear.

If that is the case, remember that faith is not the absence of fear; it is the conquest of fear. The Psalmist says, “when I am afraid, I will trust in you.” Psalm 56:3


If this has gotten your attention, here are a few questions to ask yourself:

  • What specific change do I need to make?
  • What is it in my current situation that is driving me to change?
  • Do I have a clear vision of what I would like to see?
  • What steps do I need to take?
  • What do I need to do to move forward and make it happen?
  • How committed am I to the process?


With steadfast determination, change can be accomplished. The question is, how badly do you need it? “For with God, nothing shall be impossible.” Luke 1: 37



Empowerment Coach

Michelle Matthias

Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “He who is not everyday conquering some fear has not learned the secret of life.”

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8 thoughts on “The Desire for Change

  1. Growth is a natural projection in life. Everyone desires better, whether physical improvement, financial, emotional etc. It’s wonderful to want to change our current situation or to accomplish other desires. Unfortunately, we sometimes are just too afraid to do anything about it. We’re afraid of the unknown, we don’t know where to begin, what steps to take, it just seems daunting and so we become overwhelmed and end up doing nothing.
    The questions posed in the article are excellent to get the ball moving…”what changes do I need to make?”
    When you identify the changes that you need to make you can then begin the process.
    Make a plan
    Identify your goals
    Make SMART goals ( Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Time frame)
    Be patient and celebrate small victories.
    Find mentors or get motivation from others who have accomplished what you desire.
    Fear will prevent you from change. I think I read that the command ‘Fear not’ is the most written command in the Bible. It’s written a whopping 365 times. That’s quite a coincidence or maybe not….so each day we are to remember the command and FEAR NOT, carpe diem, go out and seize the day with confidence….it’s the only way to enact change.

  2. Thank you for this timely message…So relevant and it resonates with my spirit.
    Your insights are so appreciated.
    Keep posting..
    Looking forward to the next one..

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