Are you waiting for your circumstances to be fully aligned to have peace?

We cannot wait for everything to be right for us to have peace.

There will always be trials; there will always be something to worry about. If we are not careful, we worry constantly. Take note of the things that worry you and cause you to lose sleep.

We may not know what the future holds but we know who holds the future. Most of what robs us of our peace are out of our control, why not release it and give it to God? Let God fight your battles and rest assured that He has never lost one. Don’t try to change things that only God can change. Being frustrated doesn’t bring answers to your situation.

I encourage you to turn your worry into worship. Do your part and let God do the rest. Prayer and faith in God bring peace. Peace is the inner calm that comes with the understanding that God is fighting your battles. Enter into His peace when the storms of life are raging. He is our Shepherd and He watches over us. Psalm 23 says that we will go through valleys but encourages us to stay in peace.

Worry is a thief; don’t let it rob you of your peace!

Empowerment Coach

Michelle Matthias

“Peace is the inner calm that comes with the understanding that God is fighting your battles.”

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5 thoughts on “Purposeful Peace

  1. We have to seek peace & guard our peace. When we have peace we have calm in the chaos. We can only get peace from GOD. As stated in the article, we should ‘turn our worry into worship.’ Therefore, change our concerns into prayer & worship & then let it go. Cast our cares on HIM, our Heavenly Father…let it go & let God.
    This article is so timely for so many of us. 🙏🏽

  2. Amen. A pleasant good morning to everyone. We thank God for his peace that passes all understanding. Let us all tty our best to hold on to God’s unchanging hands. I leave you all Psalm 37 verse 4. Rest in God in Jesus name amen 🙏…. blessings ❤.

  3. Thank you Sis Michelle for the reminder that we must be intentional in our pursuit of a peaceful state of mind despite our circumstance, which can only come from God.
    This reminds me of a quote I often attach at the end of my yahoo email which states:
    “Peace, in the ultimate meaning of the word, is not the absence of conflict. It is not the accumulation of wealth, or comfort or ease, or a state of happiness. Peace is that sense down deep inside that says no matter what happens, all is well with my soul.” -Verdell Davis

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