Empowered to Withstand

By Michelle Matthias


As a Professional Personal Development and Life Coach, I like to identify myself as an Empowerment Coach.


Why empowerment? Empowerment is defined as “the process of becoming stronger and more confident. Yes, Empowerment can have many different meanings to different people—depending on their experiences, circumstances, hopes, and dreams.


Having been challenged by 2020, we realized that we all needed to find ways to support ourselves in staying focused, positive, and steadfast. We all needed to be empowered and or to stay empowered.


As we enter the New Year, still in the grips of the pandemic, it’s important that we remain determined and vigilant with fostering a healthy psychological outlook. It is said that having psychological flexibility is an incredibly important element that is beneficial not only for us to survive but for us to thrive.


Referencing a blog from the British Psychological Society’s Research Digest, it explains:

“A psychologically flexible person is characterised by a set of attitudes and skills: they are generally open to and accepting of experiences, whether they are good or bad; they try to be mindfully aware of the present moment; they experience difficult thoughts without ruminating on them; they seek to maintain a broader perspective when faced with a challenge; they continue to pursue important goals despite setbacks; and they maintain contact with “deeper values,” no matter how stressful a day might be…”


Psychological flexibility allows us to bend without breaking. With the help of God, we can withstand.


How do we Empower ourselves and maintain psychological flexibility? Some possible ideas are:


  • Find your passion…it motivates and fulfills
  • Don’t wait around…Take action and be creative…empowered people don’t wait for it to happen, they make it happen
  • Kindness. …kindness transcends…be consciously kinder to others and yourself
  • Tidy up. …uncluttered environment; uncluttered mind
  • Set the right kind of goals. …dream big; set realistic scalable goals
  • Raise up others. …’ no man is an island’…be supportive and encouraging, it’s like a boomerang
  • Let go. …let go negative thoughts…let go negative people…let go unforgiveness
  • Have a self-care day….not just to rejuvenate and relax but also for a mental detox
  • Take action to seize opportunities…when you encounter a problem, consider a direct solution, even if you haven’t worked out all the details…be solution-focused
  • Adopt a positive flexible mindset…never underestimate the power of a positive mindset…thinking positively through all situations gives a sense of calm, peace of mind, happiness, productivity, and a feeling of self-worth. Maintaining the daily habit of being aware of what and how the mind is thinking empowers you to take responsibility for your mental state. Thinking positively helps you to confidently solve problems and face life’s daily challenges, knowing that everything will work out to your benefit. For Christians, this is unshakable faith.
  • Pray, pray, pray…..prayer is empowering. It reminds us that when all is said and done we cannot do life without God who gives life. Prayer connects us to God and empowers us to be peaceful, to be hopeful, and to withstand.


“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”  Romans 8:28


Empowerment Coach

Michelle Matthias

“Wishing you a Blessed and Prosperous New Year.”

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5 thoughts on “Empowered to Withstand

  1. As we journey through life, challenges are inevitable. How we deal with these challenges determine our success or our failure, whether we sink or swim. 2020 challenged everyone but 2021 will also have its share of challenges maybe not of the magnitude of a global pandemic…I earnestly pray.
    This article gives valuable tools as to how we can deal/cope with the challenges that we face. I have been incorporating some of these tips already but will incorporate more. By helping others, putting others before us we oftentimes feel better & put things into perspective.
    I am determined to ‘bend & not break’ so that I may weather the challenges that I will face. As we are about to enter a new year, the tips mentioned in the article are a great reminder of coping mechanisms available to us.
    Here’s to a NEW year armed with knowledge to cope with life’s challenges.

  2. Great advice in alignment with Christian beliefs. An important read, because without psychological flexibility (unshakable faith) we will break under the immense pressures that have been rampant.

  3. Kesha McKenzie says:

    I love how you started with stand with confidence, then you talked about psychological flexibility and then ended with the scripture that states that all things work together for good…individually each of these statements may not always be possible, but when all these actions are connected…we have faith that all things work together, then we can have better psychological flexibility and be able to stand with confidence. Thank you for this reminder as we close off one year to start another. The only way we will survive the vicissitudes of life is if we keep practicing this knowledge.

  4. Powerful words, great reminders. We can do all things through Christ. Let’s go boldly in faith and receive our blessings…. Believe and receive.
    God is already there in 2021. Be confident. God got this, Amen.
    Excellent, sound advice inspired by God. Great posts, looking ahead to more in 2021and beyond. Be blessed in the Lord.

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