Managing Life Transitions  

Michelle Matthias


Life is dynamic, not static. Life’s journey is marked by transitions. Transition is about change. Some minor; some major. Some positive; some negative. Some exciting; some sad. The point is that life is filled with transitions whether we are prepared or not; it is inevitable.


Life transitions can be marked by positive emotions like joy, hope, peace, and negative emotions like worry, doubt, anxiety, depression, grief, or loss.


Life transitions can run smoothly or they can be challenging. People often struggle to adjust to change and may find these periods of life to be highly stressful and perhaps distressing even when the change is positive and will improve quality of life.


Some Examples of Life Transitions

  • Starting or ending a relationship
  • Getting married
  • Divorce, separation, or working through infidelity
  • The arrival of a new baby
  • Parenting an infant, child, or adolescent
  • Moving away from home
  • Starting a new job, or getting a promotion
  • Buying, selling a home, or moving
  • Adjustment to college or a new school
  • Loss of a job, retirement, or career changes
  • Significant financial gain or loss
  • Health issues
  • Empty nesting
  • Death


Tips for dealing with transitions

  1. Acknowledge and accept rather than resist and resent …
  2. Stay positive and see it as an opportunity …
  3. Look after your health and wellbeing …
  4. Having conflicting emotions are natural …
  5. Moving forward requires us to leave some things behind …
  6. Be willing to act; staying stuck gets you no further …
  7. Leverage your support system …
  8. Reduce the negative impact by holding on to a positive outlook …


We are creatures of habit and change can be seen as disruptive especially when not anticipated. Having a positive and realistic response is beneficial and healthy in all transitions that we may encounter. Transitions give us cause to pause and evaluate where we are coming from; where we are at; and where we would like to go.


With that being said, it is time for me to do just that. So for now I will pause this blog as I evaluate, strategize, and transition. Much gratitude to all those who read and commented.


Empowerment Coach

Michelle Matthias

Having a positive and realistic response is beneficial and healthy in all transitions that we may encounter.

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10 thoughts on “Managing Life Transitions  

  1. Indeed, life is dynamic and we have to adapt and transition. We oftentimes transition without being aware of it, we grow evolve and have seamless transitions. Sometimes when we’re not ready for change but life gives us no choice, transitions become disruptive and are often difficult to cope with.
    Well, you’ve provided some valuable tips on how to deal with transitions which will be utilized by me as well as others with the pausing of your blog. You have consistently shared, informed, guided and equipped us with your knowledge on a gamut of topics from gratitude to coping with life’s challenges. I want to express my deepest gratitude for all the time, effort and work that you’ve put into this blog. I have learned a tremendous amount of knowledge. I know that your posts have impacted and will continue to leave an indelible mark on me. My Wednesday mornings will certainly not be the same. As I wrap my head around not having a new post every Wednesday morning, I’ll utilize your tips to transition.
    God bless you on your future endeavors and whatever you decide to embark on. Please remember that your loyal supporters will be waiting in wings if and when you do decide to resume your blog. Gracias, merci, danke, thank you! 🙏🏽

    • Thank you for your kind words. Your loyalty and consistency has been unwavering. Thank you for showing up weekly and adding meaningful insights. This is bittersweet but necessary. My intention is that this is just a pause. My desire is that ‘where He leads, I will follow’. Much love 💗

  2. God’s timing is perfect!!!!
    Whether or not you’ll agree, God gave you a task to touch lives, and that you did. You consistently gave insights and opportunities to allow for introspection, planning, implementation of new ideas and evaluation. I was able to be more deliberate in my actions as I read and was guided by your knowledge and competence. There was always excellent demonstration of great research in your blogs and as such it will be missed.
    Let’s see what awaits you as you continue to be obedient to the word of God.
    Be blessed and remember to thank God for utilizing you as a vessel as you honored His words.
    Be blessed in Jesus’s name🙏🏽👏🏽

  3. Thank you for your reassurance that ‘God’s timing is perfect’
    Your consistent support has been a source of motivation and it is comforting to know that I had a positive impact on the lives of my readers. Who knew that when I started writing about transitions it would also be about me? I didn’t, but I am confident that this is the right decision for now. With God’s help, I hope to leverage my skills, do some prioritization and continue to influence, serve and impact others in a meaningful way. Much love 💗

  4. Tip # 8 “Reduce the negative impact by holding on to a positive outlook”. I appreciate all your tips and totally agree with every advice you’ gave in today’s blog but like you mentioned, being “creatures of habit” we don’t alwsys accept changes readily. I once listened to a sermon “Reset your Mindset.” and that’s exactly what I need to do at this time. I certainly hope this is just a “PAUSE” for you but I do understand you must follow God’s leading.

    • Thank you for your feedback. It is good to know that you found the tips helpful. We all need to take timeout to reset our mindset; it’s necessary and beneficial.

  5. Michelle,
    Thank you for weekly inspirational messages.
    Your insights are timely and consistently relevant to the current time..
    I understand the need for a pause to reset and refresh.
    Looking forward to the next phase in this journey as you follow God’s lead..

  6. Sometimes I am able to read your post immediately after I receive it and sometimes it takes me a while to get to read and ruminate over it. However, it never matters the time that I read it, it is always timely, well said, and well needed. It’s always good to see people practice what they preach; it shows great authenticity and I love that. So take your pause and when you come back from your pause in whatever fashion that may be…possibly a podcast to go along with this blog….or maybe I’ll have you as a recurring/permanent fixture in my podcast(whenever it is that that comes to fruition), anyway, I’ll be looking forward to see what beautiful transition takes place.

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