The Importance of having Daily Rituals and Routines 

Michelle Matthias


I am aware that the word rituals may conjure mixed and questionable thoughts for some but in this context, it is being used in a positive light and gives added reinforcement to the point I am hoping to bring across. Rituals do not have to be spiritual or religious and in this blog my reference is not about spiritual rituals. Rituals in this context are referencing habits that help us work more productively.


What is the difference between a ritual and a routine?


Both are a series of tasks that are completed in the same order daily but the difference is the attitude behind the action. Daily routines may be completed out of habit with a more mechanical approach because they are things that ‘just needs to be done’ – brushing your teeth, taking your shower – whereas daily rituals are meaningful practices that are intentionally planned and are internally motivated with a desired goal and outcome in mind. A daily ritual differs in its intention and has a real sense of purpose.


Why are daily rituals important?


Rituals can act as a road map, helping us stay focused and keeping us on track throughout our day.


In an ever-changing world, rituals remind us of what is important and provides a sense of stability. Adhering to a daily ritual can help us to work more effectively and be more focused on our desired goals.


If you want to not only achieve your goals in life but also live a purposeful life, it is important to have and follow daily rituals and daily routines. They guide you in everything you do and give you a sense of accountability and accomplishment. Having daily rituals does not stop with you planning your day but helps you determine how to execute the plan to maximize success.


Rebecca Lester Ph.D., a professor in anthropology said, “One of the most important features of rituals is that they do not only mark time; they create time. By defining beginnings and ends to developmental or social phases, rituals structure our social worlds and how we understand time, relationships, and change.”


Having a daily ritual allows us the ability to be more efficient; to use time to our advantage; to understand that time is not a limitless resource; to filter out distractions that divert us from our desired goals; to remain viable in the midst of change.


How do rituals give meaning to life?


Because having a daily ritual provides a sense of stability and continuity amidst the ever-changing, hectic, and often chaotic world in which we live, they create personal space for our involvement. They allow us some degree of control in making decisions that are meaningful to our personal development. When followed, they create a vision for us to see our goals and provide a reminder of what has been completed and what is still to be done.


Rituals engender a sense of healing calm and a feeling of trust in life’s flow and forward movement. It helps us to connect in a more meaningful way with our loved ones and the things that are most important to us.


According to Nick Hobson Ph.D., a behavioral scientist, “There’s now mounting scientific evidence to show that despite their surface-level irrationality, rituals play a crucial role in regulating our performance behaviors. They help us run faster, jump higher, think more deeply, and solve more quickly.”


Rituals as a tool can boost our performance because it allows us to understand that taking a disciplined approach to each day that we are given helps us to give our best efforts to the things that are in our control and release what’s beyond our control to God.


What are some rituals that would be transformational to your life?

Where and how could you create some rituals in your life to improve focus and goal accomplishments?


Using time effectively increases our productivity. Your workday rituals consist of your habits, routine, and schedule. They either help you to work smarter or hinder your productivity. Some rituals that probably could be of help:


  • having an optimal wake-up time and bedtime. Proper rest is restorative to our body and mind and enhances our daily performance.
  • Prayer. Communing with God allows us to petition His presence in all we do and plan to do.
  • Exercise. This means different things to different people but movement gives us a better feeling of well-being.
  • Identifying. What is your mission today? What would you like to achieve? What do you need to do? When do you need to do it? How to do it? Why is this important?
  • Action. Activate to navigate. Having a plan is good but it remains a plan without execution.
  • Reflect and evaluate. What worked well, even better if?
  • Release, recreate, rest.. your next opportunity awaits.


Rituals take us beyond intentions and launch us into action.



Empowerment Coach

Michelle Matthias

Rituals take us beyond intentions and launch us into action – Michelle Matthias

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3 thoughts on “The Importance of having Daily Rituals and Routines 

  1. Rituals can make us function like a well oiled machine. We can all benefit from a little tweaking of how we execute our tasks whether at work or at home. Having rituals give us a mindfulness about what we’re doing and that in turn helps us to utilize our time wisely.
    Having rituals bring clarity and can transform ideas into fruition. As stated in the article, ‘ Rituals take us beyond intentions and launch us into action.’

  2. Sharon Croft says:

    The quote about rituals not “marking time” but rather “creating time” was riveting to me.
    When setting a new goal we often ask, ‘where will I find the time?’ Yet rituals can help us turn our visualized goals into reality. Wow! Thank you for another empowering post, Michelle! Blessings 🙏🏽

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