The Ripple Effect

Michelle Matthias


In simple terms, the ripple effect is another term for the domino effect. Our behavior can have a chain reaction that reaches beyond the boundaries of our imagination.


What is your ripple effect as it relates to your behavior, thoughts, and actions?


We cannot control the ripples others make but we certainly can control the ripples we make and possibly influence others.


Our thoughts and actions are like stones dropped in a pond. They create ripples that travel outward with far-reaching effects. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives and their reactions, in turn, affect others. Therefore, the choices we make have far-reaching consequences.


Each of us carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways, for better or worse. We can use the principles of the Ripple Effect to examine our actions and their effects.


One act of rudeness or aggression can have a devastating rippling effect as it is passed along. Social media has given us a platform to publicly vent our anger with potentially far-reaching effects. The great news is that the ripple effect is also true with kindness.


We have seen the ripple effect of kindness displayed in many fast-food drive-thrus. Research shows that acts of kindness have a spiral effect—they keep going, and going, and going. The beauty is that unlike the ripple of anger that spreads fear and bitterness, the ripple of kindness spreads love and compassion.


It has been shown that people who witness kind acts are often motivated to perform a kind act themselves. It creates a contagion. One small act of kindness can have a positive life-changing effect on many.


I invite you to set your dominoes in motion by starting a ripple effect of kindness. That one person you affect has the potential to affect others. That choice you make can have consequences, far beyond the person who it is aimed at. Before long your ripple will be beyond your imagination with ripples branching out in all directions.


These acts can be as simple as paying someone a compliment, allowing someone out in front of you when driving, saying hello or thank you. The best thing is all these gestures are free, and yet they can summon up all the happy chemicals that make us feel good about life.


Every day, every one of us has a chance to influence our world and if enough people choose kindness then we could create a ripple so big to tip the balance away from a world of continual conflict to one of mutual co-operation. We all have that power within us by the ripple we choose to create.



Empowerment Coach

Michelle Matthias

I invite you to set your dominoes in motion by starting a ripple effect of kindness.   – Michelle Matthias

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8 thoughts on “The Ripple Effect

  1. We have the ability to choose. We can choose to be kind and because of the ripple effect, our small wave can and will influence others to create their own small wave/ripple. If enough of us choose to be kind, all the small waves/ripple will become a large wave with far reaching effects and great benefits. As stated in the article, simple acts of kindness can start the ripple effect…a smile, a listening ear etc.
    When we choose to be nice, we help others, ourselves and we also please God. Let’s choose to create ripples on a daily basis because after all, we’re ultimately helping ourselves.

    • Thank you for your unwavering support and feedback. I’m encouraged by your willingness to show up and share. Much appreciated!

  2. Powerful food for thought. Time for soul-searching. We need to be led by the spirit of God, to create positive effects on others. This will not only please others and ourselves, but ultimately please God. Very profound, thank you.

  3. In 2021, I want my ripples to spread love, spread hope, spread kindness, spread inspiration. I am a product of your ripples of love, kindness and inspiration which propels me to do likewise. So when you say, Our thoughts and actions are like stones dropped in a pond. They create ripples that travel outward with far-reaching effects,” that’s facts to back your science because I’m influenced by your weekly inspirations which then fuels me to share and influence others.

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